Saturday, July 10, 2010

Happy 3 months Otto!!

I found this from a few months ago. I thought I would share.

Otto is six weeks old today. A few items of note:

(1) Exhausting: I never knew that I would covet 2-hours of uninterrupted sleep. I do now.
(2) Hard work: Keeping Otto content, fed, etc. is a constant struggle. Sometimes I'm emotionally equipped to handle it, other times I'm not. I don't know how single moms and dads do it because, generally, when I'm not equipped I can hand him off.
(3) Naps: Everyone and every book says to sleep when he's asleep. Initially, we were not very good at this as it gave us quiet time to hang out, do errands, chores, etc. Sleeping when he's asleep is necessary, especially as he gets older and his awake times are slightly longer.
(4) Breast feeding/pumping: If you're significant other is doing this, do NOT let them sleep for 8 hours straight thinking that you're being nice. I was being nice and letting her rest, but we paid for it later in the day when, due to stress of trying to keep up with him, her milk went dry. No good deed goes unpunished. My punishment was a cry-fest. Good times.
(5) Vocal: He's getting more vocal every day. Initially, it was just little grunts when he was unhappy. At about 4 weeks, he discovered his voice and his lungs. The result 3-2.5 hour screamfests over a 9-day span.
(6) Sometimes nothing is wrong. He just wants to cry. One of my books said it's his form of exercise. Check the holes, if there is no input or output, he seems comfortable (both closing and temp-wise) it could be nothing.
(7) It's not personal. The crying. The fussiness. Etc. Generally it has nothing to do with me. That's been a huge lesson to learn.
(8) It's not a competition. This was a harder lesson for me to learn. Cheryl and I play different roles in Otto's life. Sometimes he wants his mom and no matter what I do, it won't work. That's ok.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Crayola's new line...

Look at him. He's Mexican brown. Have you gotten a DNA test?
Uhhhh....what?! C [the mother] is right here. Beside me. She can hear you.
So anyway...
So Mexican brown, huh?!
Yeah. A color from the non-politically correct Crayola set.